Italy Vacation are much appreciated by connoisseurs of art and culture since you enjoy every facet of this fascinating country. Italy Vacation means of discovering beautiful treasures, excellent traditional Italian dishes and relax amid the wide variety of landscapes it can offer. In the heart of Italy, in Umbria, P
alazzo Grande Luxury Hotel Perugia offers the opportunity to experience the most of your Italy Vacation, the old historic building converted into a residence, offers the opportunity to dive in the true Italian taste, live a villa '600 surrounded by forest trees is the first experience to enjoy a real Italy Vacation. The central location of residence and can easily reach the major centers of Italian art such as the home of the Renaissance, Florence is only 140km and talking about Italy Vacation should not forget Rome, the great Italian capital from the highest value historical, artistic and religious, which is also easily accessible from Palazzo Grande Luxury Hotel Perugia with only 200km. Not only big city, a holiday is also made of small Italian towns, of old emotions, atmospheres and secular, such as those that can be discovered through the Umbria region, in particular, offers many typical medieval villages, with small spots and a charm Medieval
will wrap completely. If you prefer to spend your Italy Vacation between nature and relaxation, Italy performs its many unspoilt scenery allowing views, seeking only to get carried away in their magical atmosphere. For each Italy Vacation that respects also a key step is the tasting of typical Italian cuisine is famous throughout the world for the variety but especially for the high quality of its products. Palazzo Grande Luxury Hotel Perugia will never leave you unsatisfied with the opportunity to taste the best national cuisine able to refine your palate. An 'authentic Italy Vacation , is made of many things that only Palazzo Grande Luxury Hotel Perugia has to offer, everything you need for your Italy Vacation is here to savor every nuance of style, taste and Italian culture.

Good Vacation.... In Italy!!!!!!
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